Nutrition is a Powerful Dictator of Health During All Pregnancies, But What About Twins?

We sat anxiously awaiting their message, whilst excited, trying to remain numb from holding emotions back until we knew… ‘They’re here, and all three girls couldn’t be healthier’.… my whole body weak, heart exploding, heaving with happiness, relief, and just so, deeply proud and in awe of what my sister had created.

Mind blowingly healthy twins, conceived, developed and brought into the world by a mother who supported herself via intuition, traditional foods and the highest quality nutrients when needed. Nutrient demand with a single foetus is high, and yes, it’s higher with twins. Whilst there are many factors that can come in between the health of little ones that are often completely out of our control, it is also a blessing to shed light on the positive stories to give hope to those that need it?

Mila and Ivy were born at 37 weeks, latched immediately, a beautiful colour, and evidently housed in two insanely healthful placentas + umbilical cords. WOW.

Research by doctor and nutritionist Barbara Luke has established that overall diet and nutritional status play a HUGE role in the size and health of newborns, but especially twins. Understanding that not only folate is important, but zinc, iron, iodine, magnesium, vitamin D, choline and also ample real fats such as ghee, coconut oil, egg yolks, fat off meat and a variety of protein are just a few of the key nutrients that are imperative for growth and development. These are far superior when sourced from or at least combined with their most natural, whole state.

Thorough blood testing is critical, and usually you will need to ask for it. Consider full iron studies, folate, b12, vitamin D, urine iodine, zinc, copper, full thyroid analysis. This way, you can cater your needs to YOU and your baby(s).

Among real food rich in the above, she listened to me and her intuition and chose to have…
2-3 capsules of cod liver oil
2-3 teaspoons of The Mothers Blend, Foraged For You
Magnesium baths + supplement
Methyl folate for the first 3 months

Moments like these are truly like watching magic unfold?

Sheridan Williamson